Architectural Review and Historic Preservation Board


  • The BARHP meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month, at 10:00am
  • Please be advised that either the applicant, architect, or agent must be present at the meeting.
  • The cut off date for applications to be considered for the next meeting is generally the 2nd Friday of each month. Please check with the Building Department to confirm. Applications are added to the agenda if they are incomplete. 
  • Applicants are strongly encouraged to appear before the BARHP for an informal discussion prior to Planning Board approval or before submitting a building permit application. If you would like to be considered for informal discussion, please email with a brief description of your project along with preliminary plans. Informal discussions will be placed on the next available agenda, on a first come-first served basis. 

Agendas & Minutes
Agendas are available approximately 1 week prior to meetings. Minutes are available following approval.

Responsibilites & Duties
The mission of the Board of Architectural Review and Historic Preservation is to preserve and enhance the character, historical interest, beauty and general welfare of the buildings within the Village of North Haven.

The BARHP meets once per month to consider applications for exterior alteration of existing buildings and accessory structures, exterior appearance of new buildings and accessory structures, and fencing and impose design conditions to ensure that buildings are structures are designed in harmony with the community. 

Staff Contacts

Name Title Phone
Erika Gubitosi Administrative Asst to Buildind Department, Planning Board, ZBA and ARB 631-725-1378

Board Members

Name Title
Kimberly Eads Chairwoman
Glenn Lawton Member
Jane Babcook Member
Carol Ahlers Member
Barbara Clarke Member